FIX: Stand animation fix would allow weapons to be fired when holstered after teleport due to the reset triggered incorrectly requesting controls.
FEATURE: Added flashlight bulb options: Standard, Covert (Red tint), Xenon (Blue Tint), Low/Medium/High beam. Previous flashlight setting was identical to Standard - Low power.
TWEAK: Disabled recoil anims when walking, caused the body and legs to jerk into another position.
TWEAK: Flashlight lens retextured.
TWEAK: Lens becomes glow and fullbright when light is turned on, improving look of effect.
TWEAK: Moved Ammo menu button in RP Mode to it's normal position.
TWEAK: Added more information in the menu popup, making it easier to see settings quickly.
TWEAK: Both match/silencer menu buttons will show at the same time, making it easier to change and making the options layout more consistent. Note: As before these options cannot be enabled at the same time.
だそうです 結構いろんなところ変わってます
Added gift Breach T-Shirts by Pixeldoll and camoflauge BDU pants to the box.
↑ ①前バージョンには入っていた ↑ ②今回から加わった♪
Camoパンツも・・・入ってました ̄m ̄ ふふ
サービス品・・・大好き(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ エヘヘ