reset - Reset all settings to default.
help - Display all chat commands.
sling - Rifle on back.
draw - Rifle in hands.
reload/r - Reload rifle.
lock - Lock rifle.
unlock - Unlock rifle.
limited - Limited ammunition (20 bullets per cartrige).
unlimited - Unlimited ammunition.
semi - Semi automatic firemode.
auto - Automatic firemode.
prone - Prone stance.
crouch - Kneeling stance.
stand - Standing stance.
holosights - Attach holographic sights.
ironsights - Detach holosights or scope.
scope - Attach scope.
silencer - Attach/detach silencer.
stock - Extend/retract the stock.
laseron - Turn lasersight on.
laseroff - Turn lasersight off
color x - Set the color of the rifle casing to x.
x can be either a preset color (default, black, dark, grey, marine, olive, sand, tan, white) or a vector <r,g,b>, i.e. <0.0,0.5,1.0>.
effectson - Enable all effects.
effectsoff - Disable all effects.
flashon - Enable muzzleflash effect.
flashoff - Disable muzzleflash effect.
shellon - Enable shell casing ejection.
shelloff - Disable shell casing ejection.
clipon - Enable clip ejection.
clipoff - Disable clip ejection.
velocity x - Set velocity of bullets to x meters per second (25 - 250).
combat - Load combat ammunition.
damage - Load damage ammunition.
explosive - Load explosive ammunition.
foam - Load foam ammunition.
push - Load push ammunition.
training - Load training ammunition.